A Blog About Nothing, Yet Everything

If you’ve watched Seinfeld, you’ll recall the famous line about it being “a show about nothing.” That phrase has always resonated with me. A show about nothing that somehow became everything—capturing life’s mundane moments and transforming them into something extraordinary. This blog reflects a similar sentiment. It’s about nothing in particular, yet it encompasses everything that makes up my life.
I’ve always had diverse interests, from gardening and reading to knitting and baking. I’ve long wanted to share these passions with the world, but whenever I considered starting a blog, the same advice would surface: find your niche. Apparently, every successful blog needs a distinct focus, a personal brand or signature cookie that sets it apart. But what if, like me, you’re drawn to too many things to narrow it down?
For years, this feeling of not fitting into a specific category paralyzed me. I thought, “How can I blog if I don’t have a clear direction?” And so, I didn’t. Until WordCamp US in Portland, Oregon.
At this event for bloggers and developers, I found myself telling people, “I blog… but not really.” I had all these ideas swirling in my head, but I hadn’t actually posted anything. Three different people gave me the same advice: “Just post something. You can always update it later.” At first, I dismissed it as generic, but then I realized they might be onto something. Maybe it really is that simple—just start, and let the blog evolve over time.
You see, the idea for this blog isn’t new. It’s been with me for 15 years, ever since I lost my job. I pictured myself as one of those bloggers who share their personal journey and turn it into something meaningful for others. But fear got in the way—fear of failing, of not being good enough, of not having anything worthwhile to say. And so, I did nothing.
Upon returning from the WordCamp US, I rewatched Julie & Julia, a film that never fails to inspire me. It’s about Julie Powell, who starts a blog to chronicle her attempt to cook all 524 recipes in Julia Child’s cookbook. It’s such a simple idea, but she turned it into a journey that connected with so many people. That’s when it hit me—why am I letting fear stop me? Julie Powell didn’t wait for the perfect moment or the perfect idea; she just dove in. Why can’t I do the same?
Sure, my blog doesn’t have a niche or a grand theme, but does it have to? Maybe, like Seinfeld, it’s about capturing the moments in life that don’t fit into a box. It’s about my love of gardening, the joy of getting lost in a book, and my ever-expanding list of hobbies. It’s about exploring different ideas, even if I’m not sure where they’ll lead.
WordCamp US taught me that you don’t have to have it all figured out to start. Most beginning bloggers don’t. The truth is, we’re all just figuring it out as we go. Maybe that’s the beauty of blogging—it’s fluid, it evolves, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. Something is always better than nothing, and every step forward is progress.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, fear is the biggest dream-killer. Fear kept me from starting this blog 15 years ago. But as time goes on, I’ve realized that waiting for the “perfect” moment is a trap. Perfection is paralyzing. If I wait for everything to be just right, I’ll never start.
So here I am, taking a leap and starting this blog, even if it’s still a work in progress. I’m embracing the idea that it doesn’t have to be perfect. I can always refine and update as I go, and maybe, just maybe, that’s the key to turning this blog about nothing into something meaningful.
This is my “now meets never” moment. I can either keep letting fear hold me back or finally take a chance. And if you’ve read this far, maybe you’re willing to take a chance with me. Maybe you’re someone who also has a million ideas but no output. Maybe you’re someone who’s afraid to start something new because you don’t know where it will lead.
But here’s the thing: none of us know where our ideas will take us. That’s the beauty of it. And maybe the magic happens when you start without having all the answers.
So, welcome to my blog—about nothing but really about everything. I hope you’ll stick around to see where it goes, as I update, grow, and refine along the way. Because after all, it’s better to start with something than to never start at all.